Go to A Bit Dodgy
A Bit Dodgy
A column of questionable taste from the desk of David Todd McCarty.
Note from the editor

A column of questionable taste from the desk of David Todd McCarty. This was intended to be a slightly humorous column designed for a light morning read, although it will always have a bit of an edge to it. “A Bit Dodgy” will be published as regularly as I can muster, with some obvious exceptions for vacations and illness. I strongly urge you to sign up as a Member so that you can read everything, including thousands of other writers and two other magazines I publish. Thank you for even bothering to stop by.

Go to the profile of David Todd McCarty
David Todd McCarty
A cranky romantic searching for hope and humor. I tell stories. Most of them are true. I’m not at all interested in your outrage, but I do feel your pain.